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Malaysia OM Group Co., Ltd. visited our company for investigation and research

Release time:2019-06-26 View :2525 Type size :【 big middle small 【BACK】

On the morning of June 24th, OM Group Co., Ltd. Chairman of Shanghai Aoman Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Zheng Yuanzhang and his party visited our company for investigation and investigation, and held discussions with Mr. Qi Jun, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hu Jingguo, Vice President of Marketing, and Zhao Feng, Chief Technical Officer. communicate with.

Representatives of the two sides exchanged views on technical issues of cooperation projects

Zheng Yuanzhang, Chairman of OM Group Shanghai Aoman Electronics Co., Ltd. introduced the situation of the Group

Hu Jingguo, vice president of marketing of Nashun Group, introduced the group situation

Visit the Inner Mongolia Quite Metallurgical Building Materials Co., Ltd. Silicon Manganese Project

The representatives of the two sides held a discussion and exchange meeting in the conference room of the administrative office building of Nashun Group. During the discussion, the two parties gave a detailed introduction to the development history and business philosophy of each group company, and fully exchanged information on the cooperation projects between the two parties. The flag visited the silicon-manganese project of Inner Mongolia Quite Metallurgical Building Materials Co., Ltd., which was built by Nashun Group.










Copy right:Inner Mongolia Nashun Equipment Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.

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